Question of
When you look in the mirror, you say to yourself
“Damn – you look good today!”
“Wow-you look tired…”
“OMG – you are funny!”
“At least you look better than yesterday!”
“At least the mirror didn’t break!”
Question of
When you go to work / school and see the boss, you say to yourself
“I wonder if they are s tired as I am?”
“OMG – he looks like Fred Flintstone!”
‘At least I look better then the they do!”
“I can count their IQ on one hand!”
“I hope they have a good day- so I have a good day!”
Question of
Pick an image.
Question of
What was / is your favorite school subject?
Anything I was good at!
Drama-I was always the star!
Science-so we could laugh when the teacher said “penis”
Any class where the teacher was easy!
Question of
You have an appointment. The most important thing is to
Get there early!
Just get there…
Get there late because they always make me wait anyway!
Make sure I look good!
Crack a joke to make the receptionist laugh…
Question of
Are you superstitious?
No-I’ve never seen a ghost or ufo…
No-but I am good-looking!
Maybe-anything is possible!
I may have stepped in a bigfoot turd once…
I dream about ghosts all the time!
Question of
Some people are great at telling jokes. How do you rate yourself?
I am a joke-telling MASTER!
I try to be funny but sometimes I am just mean…
I’m OK with simple one-liners…
My jokes are good and I look good telling them!
No – I am really bad at trying to tell stories and jokes…
Question of
Pick the best caption for this image.
Alpaca Snack Time!
Fix those teeth!
True cactus breath…
I hope he doesn’t get thorns in his mouth!
Nice – lunch and then a nap!
Question of
Pick the best caption for this image.
Sweet Dreams Big Boy!
Me in the mornings…
Is he eating the chair?
Hope that chair doesn’t break!
Poor pup needs a makeover…
Question of
All of these TV shows are on TV at the same time. Pick one to watch.
a hot dog eating contest
anything on the hallmark channel
I usually fall asleep watching TV
modern family
the kardashians