How similar is YOUR personality to a Ridgeback?
We would love to meet your pup-share a picture here!
Question of
Which size dog do you like best?
less than 30 pounds
66-120 pounds
over 120 pounds
Question of
Rate YOUR Energy Level
I am LOW Energy…
I take a walk sometimes
I have above average energy
I am pretty high energy
Question of
How comfortable are YOU talking to people you don’t know in a room full of strangers?
I am the LIFE of the party!
I am comfortable with that!
I do NOT like it!
I am anti-social-hate it!
Question of
Rate how important it is for you to have a good watchdog.
No barking-don’t wake me up!
Not very important..
It would be a good thing
Very important-I want a dog with a booming bark that would intimidate strangers.
Question of
Rate your level of dog training skills.
first time dog owner
I know “sit” and “stay”..
I am pretty good…
I have very good skills and know dogs pretty well.
Question of
Do you know what Dermoid sinus is?
Yes-I get all the time-I have bad allergies…
not really…
I have heard of it…
Yes-I know what it is.
Question of
Do you consider yourelf an intelligent person?
Einstein-I am smarter than Einstein!
I consider myself above average
I am about average intelligence
I am dumb as a rock…
Question of
How much YOU like being in cold weather?
I LOVE the ice and snow!
I really LIKE it
It’s OK-but I prefer to be warm
Not really-I like warm weather and the beach!
Question of
How social are you?
I have a lot of friends!
I have a group of good friends!
I have a few good friends.
I have 1 good friend.
Question of
Your neighbor is letting their dog poop on your front lawn and does not remove it. What do you do?
ignore it
look out the window so he sees me-maybe he will stop
go out into the yard and confront him-asking him to stop
pick up the poop with a shovel and put it on his front porch
Question of
How good are you at finishing what you start?
I never give up-the job gets done!
The jog gets done MOST of the time!
Sometimes I finish…
I rerelt finish what I start…
Question of
Choose your favorite.
Question of
Rate how stubborn you are!
Very Stubborn
Sometimes I am Stubborn
I can be a little stubborn
I am nor stubborn at all-I always go with the flow!