Twelve questions to determine your level of “pure breed” Corgi ownership-a bit of Corgi fun!
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Question of
Pick Your Favorite.
Question of
Corgis are dwarfs-they are a true dwarf dog breed.
Question of
Colors say a lot about your personality. Pick a color!
Question of
Which size dog do you prefer?
Toy-Under 20 poinds
20-40 pounds
41-80 pounds
Over 80 pounds
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Do you know what chondrodysplastic means?
Yes-my mom gets that when it gets cold outside!
I have heard the word…
Yes-I know what it means!
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What do you think about the intelligence of dogs?
They are dogs-who cares?
As long as they can learn a few basic commands-I am good!
I like dogs with at least average intelligence.
I love dogs that are smarter than most people!
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Do you like to talk?
Not really…
A little bit…
People tell me I talk a lot…
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Should your dog be a good watch dog?
Yes-big mean and aggressive!
I want a dog that will scare strangers away!
I just want loving dog that will alert me when there is a problem!
I don’t really care-I want a lap dog!
Question of
How comfortable are you in a large gathering of people you don’t know?
Very Uncomfortable
Somewhat Uncomfortable
I am OK
Somehow-I always become the center of attention!
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How do feel about shedding?
No-I do not want that mess!
A little is OK…
I would prefer a moderate shedder!
Come on-it’s a dog-they SHED! It’s part of the deal.
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Do you consider yourself a stubborn person?
No-I go with the flow!
Maybe a little…
Yes-I can be very stubborn!
Question of
You are going to a friends NEW house for dinner. What is the highlight?
the food
the conversation
checking out the new house