Are you Team Basenji or Team Bull Terrier?
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Question of
You are hiking in the forest and broke your ankle. You need your dog to run back to camp and get help. It’s almost dark. Which dog gets you help faster?
Bull Terrier
Question of
A Basenji and Bull Terrier are lined up for a 100 yard race across a football field. Who wins?
Bull Terrier
Question of
A bag of gold coins is hidden in a field. If you find it-it’s yours. You have a cloth with the scent of the bag on it for your dog to smell. Which dog would be able to sniff out the bag and make you rich?
Bull Terrier
Question of
You need to train a therapy dog for a friend. Which dog would be easier to train and make a better therapy dog?
Bull Terrier
Question of
You throw a dog toy into the water. Which dog jumps in and brings you back the toy faster?
Bull Terrier
Question of
An Basenji and a Bull Terrier are pulling tug-of-war with a rope. Which breed is stronger and walks away with the rope?
Bull Terrier
Question of
You throw a Frisbee up in the air. Which dog would be able to jump higher and catch the disc?
Bull Terrier
Question of
You are out to dinner and someone with a stocking enters your house to rob you. Which dog would go crazy-barking and running,scaring away the thief?
Bull Terrier
Question of
In your opinion, which breed is more intelligent?
Bull Terrier
Question of
In your opinion, which breed is better looking?
Bull Terrier